Hiroko Coko Johnson

Following books played a significant role in opening up Coko’s horizon in terms of her spiritual and physical well-being. She continues to pursue her health quest believing in food as medicine.

One of her bucket list includes learning Food Therapy and Culinary Nutrition at Natural Gourmet Institute founded by Annemari Colbin. She is passionate about bringing health through natural methods and healthy lifestyles to as many people as possible.


Micheal Pollan

The Omnivore’s Dilemma
Michael Pollan

Food and Healing
Annemarie Colbin

Healing with Whole Foods
Paul Pitchford

Eat to Live
Joel Furhman, M.D.

Secrets of Longevity
Dr. Maoshing Ni

The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum Health
Christopher Vasey, N.D.

Grow Your Own Drugs
James Wong

The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy
Valerie Ann Worwood


How to Cook Everything
Mark Bittman

The Self-Healing Cookbook
Kristina Turner

Folks over Knives
Gene Stone


Be Here Now
Ram Dass

Way of The Peaceful Warrior
Dan Millman

The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle